Kickstart this Year with Health and Wellness in Mind

Health and Wellness Routine

A new year dawns with the promise of better times ahead, and including regular exercise can help us remain positive and stress-free. It can improve our mood, clear our mind, and help us beat the winter blues. At Santa Marta, we’re committed to promoting healthy senior living in Olathe, KS. We’ve put together exercise and wellness tips to help you stay sharp and strong.

Taking the first step

It’s normal to feel anxious about starting to exercise if you’ve never done it before or if it’s been a while. Before you begin, talk with your physician or an exercise professional qualified in wellness for seniors. They can help you take precautions for any existing injuries, pain or mobility issues you may have. Find simple ways to increase your daily movement, such as walking on a treadmill at a fitness center or outside when the weather permits, for a few minutes every day. Set realistic goals and write them down on a calendar. Pat yourself on the back when you complete them.

Finding the right balance

Look for programs that provide safe exercise options geared toward your fitness level. Try to find indoor and outdoor activities in each category you enjoy so you can stay active despite the winter weather. Since different types of workouts target different parts of the body, a good mix of the following is recommended for all seniors:

  • Heart-healthy exercises train your cardiovascular system for efficiency — these include cycling, swimming and jogging.
  • Resistance training with weights or bands will maintain strength and increase bone density. This kind of exercise is essential for a healthy lifestyle for the elderly, helping maintain daily movements such as getting up from a chair or carrying a bag of groceries.
  • Skill-based training, such as exercises to improve balance and reduce the risk of falls. Tai chi and chair yoga are examples of these.
  • Range of motion exercises such as light stretching improve flexibility and mobility. Try flex and stretch classes, or yoga classes.

As part of providing healthy living for seniors in Olathe, Santa Marta offers over 200 monthly activities. Our residents find their perfect balance from an array that includes movie nights, computer classes, fitness classes, card games, social events, daily Mass and Bible studies, interfaith discussions, and community outreach and service projects.

One, two, three, go! 

Not quite ready to commit to an exercise program? That’s OK. Build your strength and ability by picking a few movements to practice on your own. Here are three exercises to get you started. You’ll find many more on the internet. Feel free to perform them near something you can hold on to, like a countertop or sturdy chair. Remember to stop and rest when you need to.

  1. March in place, bringing your knees up and alternating each side. Only raise your knees as high as it feels comfortable. Each time you raise a knee, press both hands to the sky. Stay in control as you move. This exercise improves your upper and lower body coordination and challenges your balance.
  2. Stand tall with feet hip-distance apart. Pull your shoulders back and down, and engage your core muscles. Carefully squat by bending your knees and sinking your hips back like you’re about to sit in a chair. Stand back up until you’re completely upright. The stronger your muscles for squatting, the better you’ll be able to sit, stand and walk.
  3. In a standing position, tap the heel of one foot out in front of you, and extend the opposite hand forward. Alternate each side, with a heel tapping and the opposite hand pushing out in front. Also try changing the movement: push forward with the arm on the same side of the body as your outstretched leg, then alternate. This exercise benefits your coordination and balance.

10 tips for body, mind and soul

The older we get the more valuable good health becomes. It allows us to keep doing the things we love — travel, gardening, sports, and playing with the grandkids. But good health isn’t just about physical fitness. Healthy habits for seniors encompass mental, emotional, social and spiritual well-being too. Here are 10 quick and easy tips to keep you feeling good, inside and out:

  1. Start small: Choose one thing you would like to change and keep it small. It could be simply cutting out sugar, one day a week. When that becomes a habit, pick another goal.
  2. Stretch it out: Improve your flexibility with a series of gentle stretches, done after you wake up and before you go to bed.
  3. Pursue a passion: It’s never too late to learn something new or to get better at something you love to do.
  4. Lend a hand: Volunteer your time and talent at a local charity or nonprofit organization. You’ll feel good giving back, and you’ll help your community  too.
  5. Play a game: Bowling, bingo, bridge, mahjong — don a mask and try your hand at something that will keep your mind sharp. Socializing, laughing and chatting during play are part of the fun.
  6. Be kind to yourself: Pay attention to how you feel. There’s no need to be busy, busy, busy all the time. Know when your body or mind needs time to rest and recover.
  7. Live in the moment: Today is your day. Live it fully, be present for yourself and others, and you will have fewer regrets.
  8. Stay in touch with loved ones: Whether with a treasured friend or family member, our relationships help us feel grounded and loved. Text, call, email — make it a point to connect regularly.
  9. Laugh more: Watch a funny movie. Banter with a friend. Read a story that makes you chuckle. Laughing helps us cultivate a sunny attitude no matter the weather.
  10. Deepen your faith: Spending time in prayer or meditation promotes a sense of calm that will carry you through the day.

Santa Marta’s supportive social network and enriching calendar of activities promotes healthy living for seniors in Olathe. Learn more about our array of social, recreational, educational, cultural and spiritual activities and programs that offers something for everyone.